



在接下来的几页中,您将收到一系列有关您如何决定您的大学的问题。如果您能仔细回答问题,我将不胜感激,因为您提供的信息将影响本研究的准确性和成功。请注意,没有正确或错误的答案。完成此调查问卷的时间不应超过 15 分钟。


完成问卷将被视为您同意参与本次调查。如果您对此调查有任何疑问,请随时与我联系(电子邮件:P20212002962@siswa.upsi.edu.my 或 Voyezm@163.com)。



Dear valued respondent,

I am a PhD student at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Sultan Idris Education University, Tanjong Malim, Malaysia.

You are invited to participate in this study that aims to investigate the role of digital marketing, influencer marketing, and electronic word of mouth on students’ choice of higher education institutions in China.

On the following pages, you will be presented with a series of questions on how you decide on your university. I would greatly appreciate it if you could answer the questions carefully as the information you provide will influence the accuracy and the success of this study. Please note that there are no correct or incorrect responses. This questionnaire should not take you more than 15 minutes to complete.

Your participation is voluntary and you are free to withdraw from this survey at any time. Since the survey is anonymous, responses will not be linked to any individual. Your responses will be kept confidential and will be used strictly for academic purposes.

Completion of the questionnaire will be taken as your consent to participate in this survey. If you have any questions regarding this survey, feel free to contact me at (email: P20212002962@siswa.upsi.edu.my or Voyezm@163.com).

Thank you for your participation in this study.

Chen Meng


PhD Student

Faculty of Management and Economics

Sultan Idris Education University

学校网站/Institutional Website (DM1) 
在本研究中,学校网站被定义为学生对大学在线平台的看法,即提供有关学习项目的全面而详细的信息以及浏览的简单性和趣味性。In the context of this study, the institutional website is defined as the student perception of the university's online platform in terms of providing comprehensive and detailed information regarding study programs and how easy and interesting to navigate.

  • 强烈反对
  • 反对
  • 有点反对
  • 即不同意也不反对
  • 有点同意
  • 同意
  • 强烈同意
我的大学网站对我选择这所大学的决定产生了重大影响。My university website had a significant impact on my decision to choose this university.
我的大学网站具有视觉吸引力且用户友好。My university website is visually appealing and user-friendly.
我的大学网站提供有关课程的全面信息。My university website provides comprehensive information about programs and offerings.
我的大学网站很容易浏览以查找相关信息。My university website is easy to navigate to find relevant information.
我的大学网站很独特,浏览起来很有趣。My university website is unique which makes it interesting to navigate.
阅读我大学网站的内容很容易。It is easy to read the contents of my university website.
当我浏览大学网站时,我觉得我可以控制自己能做的事情。When I navigate my university website, I feel that I am in control of what I can do.
搜索引擎优化Search Engine Optimization (DM2)
在本研究中,搜索引擎优化被定义为学生在搜索潜在大学期间对查找大学信息的容易程度和有效程度的看法。In the context of this study, search engine optimization is defined as the student's perception of how easy and effective to find information about the university during their search for the potential universities.

  • 强烈反对
  • 反对
  • 有点反对
  • 即不同意也不反对
  • 有点同意
  • 同意
  • 强烈同意
我的大学总是出现在我的搜索列表的顶部。My university always appears at the top of my search list.
在我的搜索过程中,我注意到很多人正在访问我大学的网站。During my search, I noticed that many people are visiting my university's website.
在我的搜索过程中,我的大学网站总是为我提供相关信息。During my search, my university website always provides me with relevant information.
在搜索过程中,我经常看到有关我的大学的在线广告。During my search, I frequently come across online advertisements about my university.
在我访问过的许多网站中,我的大学网站是最容易浏览的。Among many websites that I visited, my university website is the easiest to navigate.
在我访问过的众多网站中,我的大学网站是最有趣的。Among many websites that I visited, my university website is the most interesting.
在我访问的众多网站中,我的大学网站上提供的信息反映了最新的更新和变化。Among many websites that I visited, the information provided on my university website reflects the latest updates and changes.
付费在线广告Paid Online Advertising (DM3) 
在本研究中,付费在线广告被定义为学生对付费在线广告如何有效地在决策过程中吸引他们的注意力并提高他们对潜在大学的认识的看法。In the context of this study, paid online advertising is defined as the student's perception of how effectively paid online advertising captures their attention during the decision-making process and increases their awareness of the potential universities.

  • 强烈反对
  • 反对
  • 有点反对
  • 即不同意也不反对
  • 有点同意
  • 同意
  • 强烈同意
我所在大学的网络广告影响了我选择大学的决定。The online advertisements of my university influenced my decision to choose the university.
在网上搜索大学时,我所在大学的广告经常出现在我使用的平台上。When searching for universities online, my university's advertisements often appear on the platforms I use.
在网上搜索大学时,我所在大学的广告总是出现在顶部。When searching for universities online, my university's advertisements always appear at the top.
相信很多人在查大学的时候都注意到了我大学的广告。I believe that many people have noticed my university's advertisements during their university searches.
我校的网络广告有效地向潜在学生传达了其独特的产品和优势。The online advertisements of my university effectively convey its unique products and advantages to potential students.
在线广告提供有关大学的及时信息。Online advertising provides timely information on the university.
该大学的广告有明确且有说服力的号召性用语,鼓励观众采取行动。The university's advertisement has a clear and persuasive call to action that encourages viewers to act.
社交媒体营销Social Media Marketing (DM4)
在本研究中,社交媒体营销被定义为学生对社交媒体参与、社区建设工作、品牌形象提升以及通过社交媒体营销进行有效沟通如何影响他们在寻找潜在大学时的决策过程的看法。In the context of this study, social media marketing is defined as the student's perception of how social media engagement, community-building efforts, brand image enhancement, and effective communication through social media marketing influence their decision-making process when searching for potential universities.

  • 强烈反对
  • 反对
  • 有点反对
  • 即不同意也不反对
  • 有点同意
  • 同意
  • 强烈同意
我大学社交媒体上的内容非常有吸引力且可分享,鼓励学生互动和分享。The content on my university's social media is very engaging and shareable, encouraging students to interact and share.
我大学社交媒体的参与为未来的学生创造了一个支持性的在线环境。The engagement on my university's social media creates a supportive online environment for prospective students.
我大学的社交媒体提高了其在潜在学生中的品牌形象和声誉。My university's social media improves its brand image and reputation with potential students.
我的大学社交媒体帖子有效地传达了校园生活、文化和活动。My university social media posts effectively communicate the campus life, culture and activities.
我的大学积极利用社交媒体向未来的学生介绍其项目。My university actively uses social media to inform prospective students about its programs.
我大学的社交媒体快速而周到地回复评论、消息和问题。My university’s social media quickly and thoughtfully responds to comments, messages, and questions.
我大学的社交媒体有一个引人入胜的动态,吸引了潜在的学生。My university's social media has an engaging feed that attracts potential students.
关键意见领袖Key Opinion Leaders (IM1)
在本研究中,关键意见领袖被定义为学生对关键意见领袖对潜在大学整体形象的态度的看法。In the context of this study, key opinion leaders are defined as the student's perception of the attitudes of key opinion leaders on the overall image of the potential universities.

  • 强烈反对
  • 反对
  • 有点反对
  • 即不同意也不反对
  • 有点同意
  • 同意
  • 强烈同意
我相信推荐我的大学的有影响力的专家的认可。I believe in the endorsements of influential experts who recommend my university.
有影响力的专家的认可强烈影响我选择大学的决定。Endorsements from influential experts strongly affect my decision to choose my university.
支持我大学的有影响力的专家是可靠且值得信赖的。The influential experts endorsing my university are reliable and trustworthy.
有影响力的专家的认可提升了我校的形象和声誉。The endorsements from influential experts boost my university's image and reputation.
有影响力的专家的认可对于在潜在学生中宣传我的大学发挥了重要作用。The endorsements from influential experts play a significant role in promoting my university among potential students.
关键意见领袖关于大学的内容值得信赖。Content about the university from key opinion leaders is trustworthy.
我根据关键意见领袖的推荐选择了我的大学。I chose my university based on recommendations from key opinion leaders.
学生影响者Student Influencers (IM2) 
在本研究中,学生影响者被定义为学生对学生影响者对其高等教育机构选择所提出的建议的看法。In the context of this study, the student influencers are defined as the student's perception of the recommendations made by the student influencer on their choice of higher education institution.

  • 强烈反对
  • 反对
  • 有点反对
  • 即不同意也不反对
  • 有点同意
  • 同意
  • 强烈同意
我在社交媒体上与支持我的大学的学生影响者保持联系。I keep up with student influencers who support my university on social media.
学生影响者在宣传我的大学方面做得很好。The student influencers do a great job promoting my university.
学生影响者表达的观点既具有相关性又具有影响力。The opinions expressed by student influencers are both relatable and impactful.
社交媒体上有影响力的学生的帖子引起了我的注意,让我对我的大学更加感兴趣。The posts from student influencers on social media caught my eye and made me more interested in my university.
学生影响者的认可提升了我的大学在潜在学生中的声誉和形象。The endorsements from student influencers boost my university's reputation and image among potential students.
学生影响者的认可让我更想选择我的大学Endorsements from student influencers make me want to choose my university even more.
学生影响者的认可非常有说服力。Endorsements from student influencers are very convincing.
在线评论和评级Online Review and Ratings (eWOM1) 
在本研究中,在线评论和评级被定义为学生对高等教育机构在线评论和评级中的数字反馈机制的看法。In the context of this study, online reviews and ratings are defined as the student's perception of the digital feedback mechanisms in online reviews and ratings of higher education institutions.

  • 强烈反对
  • 反对
  • 有点反对
  • 即不同意也不反对
  • 有点同意
  • 同意
  • 强烈同意
良好的在线评论和评级极大地影响了我的大学选择。Good online reviews and ratings greatly impact my university choice.
在决定去哪里学习之前,我会查看我的大学的在线评论和评级。I check online reviews and ratings of my university before deciding where to study.
我认为在线评论是真实且值得信赖的。I perceive online reviews as genuine and trustworthy.
在线评级真实地反映了我大学的质量和表现The online ratings give a true picture of my university's quality and performance.
在线评论提供了有关我的大学所提供服务的有用信息。Online reviews provide helpful information about what my university offers.
在线评论提供了有关人们在我的大学的经历的有用信息。Online reviews provide helpful information about what experiences people have had at my university.
在线评论提供了平衡的评估,突出了优点和潜在的缺点。The online reviews provide a balanced assessment, highlighting both positives and potential drawbacks.
同伴的推荐Peer-to-peer Recommendations (eWOM2)
在本研究中,同伴推荐被定义为学生对朋友对其选择高等教育机构的积极推荐的看法。In the context of this study, peer-to-peer recommendations are defined as student perceptions of the positive recommendations from friends on their choice of higher education institutions.

  • 强烈反对
  • 反对
  • 有点反对
  • 即不同意也不反对
  • 有点同意
  • 同意
  • 强烈同意
我收到了朋友们对我的大学的积极推荐。I have received positive recommendations about my university from friends.
我相信同伴的推荐。I trust recommendations from peers.
同伴的推荐强烈影响我的大学选择。Peer recommendations strongly influence my university choice.
同伴推荐提高了我的大学在潜在学生中的声誉和形象。Peer recommendations boost my university's reputation and image among potential students.
同伴推荐在向未来的学生宣传我的大学方面发挥着至关重要的作用。The peer recommendations play a crucial role in promoting my university to prospective students.
同伴推荐提供的信息与我的需求相关。The information provided by peer recommendations is relevant to my needs.
同伴的推荐符合我的价值观。The peer recommendation aligns with my values.
学生对高等教育机构的选择Students’ Choice of Higher Education Institutions
在本研究中,学生对高等教育机构的选择被定义为新入学学生为选择他/她的高等教育机构而做出的深思熟虑和知情的决定。In the context of this study, the student’s choice of higher education institution is defined as the deliberate and informed decisions made by the new-entrant student to select his/her higher education institution.

  • 强烈反对
  • 反对
  • 有点反对
  • 即不同意也不反对
  • 有点同意
  • 同意
  • 强烈同意
我决定在我的大学学习。I decided to study at my university.
我的大学对我来说是一个很好的学习选择。My university is a good choice for me to study.
我有动力在我的大学学习。I am motivated to study at my university.
我对选择我的大学感到积极。I am feeling positive about choosing my university.
我打算在我的大学继续深造。I intend to pursue further studies at my university.
我想以我所在大学的学生身份注册该流程。I would like to register the process as a student at my university.
我想向其他人推荐我的大学。I would like to recommend my university to others.
学生的数字素养Students’ Digital Literacy
在本研究中,学生的数字素养被定义为他们在选择潜在高等教育机构的过程中有效利用数字技术的熟练程度。In the context of this study, students' digital literacy is defined as their proficiency in utilizing digital technologies effectively during the process of choosing potential higher education institutions.

  • 强烈反对
  • 反对
  • 有点反对
  • 即不同意也不反对
  • 有点同意
  • 同意
  • 强烈同意
我可以轻松学习新的数字技术。I can easily learn new digital technologies.
我紧跟重要的新数字技术。I keep up with important new digital technologies.
我对自己在网站上搜索和评估信息的能力充满信心。I am confident in my ability to search for and evaluate information on websites.
我熟悉与网络活动相关的问题,例如网络安全、搜索问题、抄袭。I am familiar with issues related to web-based activities e.g. cyber safety, search issues, plagiarism.
信息和通信技术帮助我在在线活动中与同事更好地协作。Information and communications technology (ICT) helps me collaborate better with peers in online activities.
我知道如何解决自己的 ICT 相关技术问题。I know how to resolve my own ICT-related technical issues.
我了解多种可用技术。I am knowledgeable about a wide range of available technologies.
性别 gender
高等教育机构类型 Types of higher education institutions
意见(可选)Opinion (Optional)
If you have anything you want to share regarding your experience in choosing your university, feel free to do so in the space provided below:

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